

发布时间: 2024-05-13 22:27:08北京青年报社官方账号

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Amazon’s workforce is 75 percent male, according to Payscale.com. That’s?consistent with the gender ratio at Microsoft and other tech companies, as well. The difference is that?Amazon has been expanding?rapidly in Seattle, now employing nearly 25,000 people in the city, up from 5,000 in 2010, by Reifman’s estimates.


Among all 50 states and Washington, D.C., New York state has become the epicenter of the country's outbreak, recording nearly 40,000 cases so far. Over 23,000 cases have been recorded in New York City, the nation's largest city, with 8.6 million residents.


Amazon’s support for Pandora is interesting, since the company already has its own music store and streaming service, which was recently updated on iOS to provide users with ad-free radio stations centered around artists and genres.


Among the global leaders, Chinese brand Imoo topped the kids smart watches segment with a 26-percent market share last year. Huawei wrested the second position with a 9-percent market share, while Xiaomi took the third spot with a 4-percent share. For all of them, consumers such as Bao are key to success.


Amazon’s growth continues to amaze. Last month, it announced plans to lease five floors of the old Tommy Bahama headquarters in the South Lake Union neighborhood, where Amazon?first planted its flag in 2007. That came just a couple weeks?after news that the online retail giant is opening a new office across Lake Washington in Bellevue, where it recently completed a lease for 354,000 square feet of office space.


